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... :-D


Haha! I still have no idea how you got that far with Octo- Shots.. But can you reach the top of the leaderboard with the update we just released? ;)


robots get suck in corners som times. got score of 2122 but killed myself at wave 43.



Ah so I see you've found the infinite money bug! It's something we've already fixed and will be patched in the next update. Thanks for playing!! :)

You know too much! but gosh that looks pretty wild. We just updated the game, care to reach the top or find more bugs?


yeah, i'll try to scavenge for insects

(2 edits) (+1)

All of these bugs have only been tested on the windows version of this game.



The "Report a bug " button, when you pause the game, will open the google forms tab twice.

If you try to build anything on the trees, you will hear a sound on any of the sides on the map except the top part.

Sometimes the game will get stuck on the loading screen. I just figured it out!, it only happens if you close the file.

Most of the top part of the tower isn't a  spot you can delete the towers from.

When you highlight a tower on the right side of the screen, any attempt to select a tower from the edge of the transparent white square will prove invalid, even though the cursor changes to the one with the index finger out.

I sometimes get hit by an invisible bullet at the end of the round . But, I might've not seen it.

You can push a robot into the finishing zone, (where the robots always try to go) and you wont take damage.

You can push a robot just fine, it will take more time to push 2 robots, it's very hard to push 3 robots and when you get to 4, you'll get pushed instead of the robots. In the round where 3 robots are stacked together vertically, you can push them easily instead of being as hard as pushing 3 separate robots at the same time.

When the Master, SFX and Music circle in the middle of the bar in the settings gets closer the left side of the bar, part of the bar will start to chip off.

When you push the robots through the path, they won't run off to where you started pushing them from.  This rarely turns out to be false, but at the end of the road, they will go back to where you started pushing them. This only happens sometimes.

If you hide behind the turret, if you're too close to the left, the left bullet will hit you the same applies to the right bullet if you're too close to the right bullet. If you're near the middle, the lower bullet will hit you instead of the upper bullet. This applies to the Quad-shot and the Octo-shot. If you hide behind the Lock-on in the middle, it will hit you but the bullets will go downwards instead of upwards. And the spinner will always hit you if you hide behind the tower.

You can build on yourself, therefore if you are in a corner and build on yourself, you'll get stuck.


Things you could change or add


When you're in the state of Iframes, I think the bullets should be destroyed to give the player more of a chance.

 I also think i'd be nice to drag the towers from the shop to the playing field as another way to build towers.

The Loading screen is really empty.

I don't want to grab a heart if I'm full health.

The blockade can't be rotated, therefore it's more usefull verticaly instead of a horizontaly.

Change the texture of the grass, it's too repetitive.

Add some other trees.

I think the coins to get the spinner are too rare for what you end up getting. 

Make other maps

Add some music to the title screen

Some new towers

More enemies


It's really fun to play, but I don't think I can beat a score of 814 (at the time I wrote this comment)

Do you know when the next update will come?

That's one wild feedback sheet! I asked the right person to go looking for creepy crawlers. We can't thank you enough for this information!

(2 edits) (+3)

I came back for a second round and noticed another bug. It has to do with the lock on tower. I don't exactly know why it happens and because there isn't a creative mode, I can't test it many times without first beating the first 2 waves. The towers will lock on to the robots that haven't entered the arena yet and the bullets won't shoot in the enemies direction nor mine but in another direction. Just look at the picture and you will know what I'm talking about.


You can stop the robots but they will eventually slip throught the sides. Do what you want about that.

Anyways, I'm super excited about the future updates. 

Reaching out again, we looked at your feedback and are making some needed adjustments. Thank you again. 

We're confused to what causes this

"Sometimes the game will get stuck on the loading screen. I just figured it out!, it only happens if you close the file."

In the .exe what file are you closing?

As for a bigger update that is still being decided. We are planning on adding more! So, everything you brought up will be discussed.

(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

It is soooo boring(((
After wave 20-25 it turns to click start -> wait -> repeat
Made a suicide at wave 51 to find out the number of robots trashed (it was 2579) and stop this time wasting experience)

PS: please, allow to destroy towers. At least it will provide some perfectionist pleasure to build a perfect system)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your comment! The particular cheese that you found (using mostly just the quad-shot so you can find a safe spot and wait) is something other people have mentioned, and will be fixed in a future update (coming soon!) With this fix, our goal is to make waiting in a single spot impossible - so that way you always have to keep moving and dodging bullets.

Also, destroying towers is another feature coming soon.

Stay tuned for that future update! Thanks :)

We listened to your feedback! We've just updated the game to balance this issue you helped bring to our attention. Thank you again!


I love tower defense, and so this game

The pixel art its really pretty and cute, the player and robots designs are pretty nice. I say that the tower design could be something different and more interesting, but it's good enough for being made in 48 hours

The music and sounds are right, there is nothing to add or discuss in it.

The concept of controlling a character in a tower defense game sounds great, and it fixes one of the genre biggest flaw, boredom. The friendly fire mechanic really fits the game jam theme, 4 towers and it can become a bullet hell, I'm really thinking who is the enemy here haha.
It's a really fun game and I would love more games to explore the same concept.

Keep it up and keep it souled!

Hey! We wanted to say thank you for your kind words! We just released a big update on gameplay, and we'd always love to hear more feedback!


This is a really fun game ;D


Nice game! Was very fun to play and I would love to see more happen to this game. The only bug I found was that if you try place an octo-shot and then hit the button to not place it you will get 20 bolts

Thank you! And good eye with that bug - it's a sneaky one. It's already been brought to our attention and will be fixed in the next patch. Thanks for playing :)


if you buy the spinner and then hit the button to not place you will lose 20 bolts

This will be fixed in the next patch. Thanks! :)

The patch is live!

Congrats man! I think you're the first to notice that outside the dev team. The secret is out now, y'all have fun while it lasts.

Hello again! We've updated/patched the game, care to take on the challenge of finding another bug? >:)


Unfortunate that the best strategy is to fill the board then camp in the corner while you watch waves go by.  The game seems very cool initially but doesn't really have any replayability.


That cheesing method is something that's been brought up before, and it's something we'll be fixing with the next update, along with a bunch of other cool features. Stay tuned!

This time around we added a leaderboard and did a buuunch of balancing. Give it a look, the 1.1 update is live!

Nice Game. Was very fun. :D Came to wave 9.

(1 edit) (+3)

I really liked this! It would be nice to have a few keys set different game speeds to pass by the easier levels once you get the hang of the game to have some quality of life with the replay-ability. Hope to see more!


Looks cool, but doesn't run under firefox.
Throws following error:

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
SecurityError: The operation is insecure.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'll add this to our list of fixes :)


I looked further into it and it's a known bug with Firefox, I turned off blocking 3rd party cookies and it worked


Weird, I've been running it on Firefox.


Pretty fun game although the quad shots are too easy to spam

Thanks for playing our game! This is a common piece of feedback we've received and something we'll be fixing. Stay tuned!

Patched that bad boi for the 1.1 Update!


cool game. I wish the character had more precise controls tho. Play any bullet hell and you wont find any sort of acceleration and you stop as soon as you arent pressing any buttons. I had enough fun to get to wave 20 so it was a good game regardless. This could be a really cool game given more than 48 hrs of dev time


This is a very big piece of feedback we've heard, stay tuned!

Tighter controls is in with the 1.1 update! Give it a look! We'd love to hear more feedback!


Good challenge: How far can you get with only the initial bolts (once they are spent, can't build anything more).

I can't seem to make it past level 5.

You've got to collect the explosion parts the robots drop! We've added more things to collect with the 1.1 update, we hope you enjoy!


Is this how you do it?


Thanks for playing! We've had a few people point out this cheesing method. It's something we'll be fixing soon. Stay tuned!

That is 100% how it was done. We've given you an extra challenge with the 1.1 update! Check it out!

(1 edit) (+1)

I cheesed too much, but otherwise great game!

You don't need to take any of my suggestions, but to prevent cheesing, maybe if there was more incentive to use other towers rather than just 1. Also if there was more incentive to build during a wave, it could encourage players to move more during a wave rather than standing still.


Thanks for playing and leaving suggestions! We've had a few people let us know about this cheese, so it's something we'll be fixing. Stay tuned!

Man you guys were clever finding out the best way to play like this. We think we've balanced the game to be more fun and intractable with the 1.1 update. Give it a look!


Bruh this is just Build-a-Touhou

I cannot tell you how funny I think this, but it is peak comedy. We just released an update as well!

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice nice! I haven't played it yet but intend to. Did you add a way to sell towers?

Edit: I see that you did!


This is the most inventive game I've ever seen! Good Work!

(1 edit) (+3)

Can you make it so I can sell towers I already built?

Stay Tuned!


We just patched the game with a 1.1 update! You can now destroy towers by pressing the trash can icon and you can cancel building by right clicking so you can quickly jump back into playing the game.


Could you email me about this game?

Hi Jupiter! We sent you an email a few days ago. Let us know if you've received it alright. Thanks! :)


This game will reach the top 20. I'm calling it!



Finger guns bud, we made the 1.1 update for fans like you!


do you folks have a twitter for this game 


Not yet, but we're regrouping soon to discuss making updates to the game, and we'll make sure to create a way to keep people up to date on our progress. Will keep you posted!


sounds good I just wanted to make sure I tagged you folks, I posted the stream on youtube that features  this game and others. I know at least one of the devs was in the stream, sadly I can't remember which 

Game has a twitter now:



By level 3 I was done for! Ha ha, what am I 5? This is a excellent fusion of genres and fits the theme too well!

Can you take the leaderboard with the newest update of our game?


Really clever game, fusing two quite different genres to make an exciting new combination. It's pretty damn difficult too haha


One of the best entries I've seen this jam. Absolutely brilliant mash up of genres, and the execution is phenomenal. Congratulations!


Wow this game is amazing


This is such a simply brilliant concept. Well done to all parties involved.


Woah, brilliant idea and a well-polished one! Hope you guys make it to the top. Great art style and audio, well balanced gameplay. Love it. :)


Great spin on this type of game.  My favourite part is pushing the enemies back towards the bullets.  I'm not even a fan of tower defense but you've turned this into a retro adventure gem.


Alright, I love this game. I audibly went "ooh!" when I read its description, haha.
The concept is simple but incredibly effective, and the way you all adapted existing game mechanics to fit its core idea is also quite interesting. Stuff like gears and hearts dropping where enemies die (aka where most of the bullets are) is a great decision. Being able to push and block enemies is also a nice touch.
In regards to the overall presentation, I really liked the game's polish, aesthetic and SFX, though the same can't be said for its music. It's not bad, per say, but I didn't think it fit the game's theme.
All in all, this is a very strong contender.

We've added a lot since our first update, check out version 1.2!
I audibly went "aw!" when I read this, it's really encouraging to look back at these posts and know we've grown from support and a fun game.


This is a really cool concept! I like the heavy black outline style art. Was a lot of fun trying to dodge past my own bullets to get the scraps.

I like how you can influence the enemies by pushing them around and try to get the enemies stacked up between you and the turrets.

I think you should be able to change your tower selection before you actually place it -- the money could be paid when you place rather than when you select.

The lock on turrets are really strong compared to the others. Obviously the tradeoff there is that if you get hit by it you lose a lot of health, but you can just stack them all in one area so that it's easy to avoid. The octo turret doesn't really do much by comparison -- if you buy an octo turret on the first wave it'll barely kill any of the enemies.

(1 edit)

We've updated the splash art and a lot of gameplay, what do you think?


Brilliant concept!  I'm having a lot of fun.

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty fun game!


771 robot


I'm loving this game, wondering if there is an actual end to the waves, gotten 36 in and still counting.


Ended up making a mistake on the 65th wave, ended up with 3342 robots trashed.

I can only imagine what the setup is like to get that far!

There is no end but we've updated a lot and added a leaderboard!


This is a fun tower defense game and a fun bullet-hell game. Great job!


Mama, no more bullet in the face!

The bullets escalated fast!

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, nice job. My Highest is 111. Edit: 713. ;)


its hard game but enjoyable and i see its prefect no bugs great job


I love tower defense games but I wish the movement was tighter.


indeed. if the player's own control is not that floaty, aka also out of control, we may find a very challenging try-not-to-shoot-in-the-foot game. 

still pretty good challenge at this point though

Floaty movement. be gone!

100% we fixed this other issues. The newest version of the game 1.1 is up and running!

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